The National Barrel Horse Association was formed in 1992 in Augusta, GA. NBHA, as it is known around the globe, is the recognized world leader in the sport of barrel racing. NBHA was the first organization to give credence to divisional barrel racing. From day one all competition was scored by division with the fastest time being the 1D (or 1st division) and other divisions being paid out in half second increments. Prize money is paid out proportionately, but awards are the same for all divisions. Members compete at the District, State, National and World Championship levels. States are divided into competition Districts. District members compete to qualify for their respective their State and World, Youth World and Senior World Championship. With over 20,000 members on 5 continents the NBHA brand is well known. Competitors range from beginners to professionals and/or youth to seniors. NBHA sanctions over 3,000 district (local) shows per year, sponsors over 44 state shows per year and has a professional staff that crisscrosses the nation producing larger (regional) shows.
In February 2022, Nikki Morrison, became Texas NBHA Director. At the time, Texas had 4 active districts with 400 members. By December 2022, the State had grown to 12 active districts with 520 members! Now, Texas has 16 active districts which covers most of the State! New for 2023, is our Texas NBHA Hello Summer Race, held at the Young County Arena, Graham, TX, May 19-20, 2023 and Texas NBHA Championship Finals held at the Taylor County Expo Center in Abilene, TX, August 18-20, 2023. Members from across the State of Texas will come together to compete for the NBHA Texas Championship titles!
Source: https://nbha.com/historynbha/