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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join?

All memberships are purchased online only at

Memberships run from Jan to Dec

Does Texas NBHA follow National NBHA rules?

How do I qualify for State Finals?

You must me a current member in good standing

Attend 3-shows from State Show to State Show.

For 2024, this would be from August 2023 to June 2024

What is TX 00?

TX 00 is for members who like to attend races all over the state to earn world points & state qualifying attendance at multiple district races.

For example, Nikki is a TX 00 member.  

If she attends a TX 14 race, TX 15 race and TX 09 race, she can earn points for World and Race attendance at all 3 races.

How many horses can I run at State?

As many as you would like!

Where can I find National & State Sanctioned races? 

Sanctioned races can be found at Upcoming Events – National Barrel Horse Association (

All districts have a Facebook page and Texas NBHA Facebook page attempts to share all Texas Races

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